Saturday, May 06, 2006

Jonathan Coulton

Jonathan Coulton, who got a bit of fame from Slashdot noticing his "Code Monkey" song, has several songs on his webpage available for free. However,
A few people have pointed out the fact that I have more songs available for free than I do for sale, which is maybe not the best business model. So I’ve reorganized this page into more of an online store - you can buy single songs and whole albums through Paypal or with a credit card. I’ve just recently set it up, so I hope you’ll be patient if there are any problems. If anything weird happens just let me know and I’ll fix it. You can also buy a CD if all this makes you uncomfortable.

So go give him a listen, and if you find yourself singing along with him in the car, you can help him find his new career by buying a download or two.

Also notice he has five songs available for a Popular Science Soundtrack, that I guess is meant to go with one of their issues.


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